Damage Claims

March 25, 2022

If you’ve experienced damage to your vehicle or property and would like to submit a claim to the commonwealth, please file an insurance claim against the commonwealth. The commonwealth’s Bureau of Finance and Risk Management (FARM) within the Department of General Services is responsible for determining if a claim should be paid. FARM is not associated with PennDOT.

NOTE: The process to file a damage claim changed as of Feb. 1, 2022. Customers are no longer required to contact the PennDOT county office first. Instead, all claims must be filed directly with FARM.

NOTE ABOUT POTHOLE DAMAGE: You have the right to file a claim for damages to your vehicle as the result of hitting a pothole. Please be aware that FARM is required to investigate and adjudicate claims against the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with PA C.S.A. Title 42 § 8522. Exception to Sovereign Immunity (b)5. Potholes and other dangerous conditions, which specifically prohibits the payment of a property damage claims caused by potholes, sinkholes, and/or conditions created by the natural elements. FARM is bound by the provisions of Act 152 and is required to deny the claim. This applies to every claim except in very limited circumstances.


Line Paint Claims

All claims are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and not all claims are honored as it is the vehicle operators’ responsibility to operate their vehicle within the roadway lines and follow all warning and advisory signage. With line-painting operations being weather-sensitive, they are conducted to provide the most cost-effective way of painting lines with the least disruption for the motoring public.

Note: When filing a claim, you will be required to provide the date, time, county, state route number, and area of the occurrence.